Welcome to the Strange Dominions

51. Round Table super show with Seriah Azkath and Timothy Renner part 1


On tonight's special episode of Strange Dominions, Octavian and Ian celebrate the one year anniversary of the podcast with Seriah Azkath and Timothy Renner. The four speak on shadow people, ceremonial magic and much more. This is part 1 of the conversation with part 2 coming out next week. If you have seen something strange or unusual such as a cryptid, spirit, ufo or anything inbetween please send us an email at strangedominionspodcast@gmail.com
Where Did The Road Go: https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/
Strange Familiars: https://www.strangefamiliars.com/
The Flowered Path: https://thefloweredpath.com/
Strange Dominions Website: https://www.strangedominionspodcast.com/
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Episode artwork Luciana Nedelea Artworks
Logo by Rotting Reign