Welcome to the Strange Dominions
Aug. 3, 2024

This isn’t for everyone

This isn’t for everyone

In the few years that I have been exploring the realms of magic and forteana, I have met many people of different degrees of interest and curiosity about these subjects. Many come to me to learn more and seek guidance. I offer whatever help I can as I am very much a novice myself and have never claimed to be anything else. One of the most curious aspects of this is when I meet someone who claims to want to delve deeper into these subjects, and then back away in horror when confronted with where those subjects lead to. 

You will never have to wonder for very long who these people really are or what they are or are not capable of because if put in the right situations they will show you with glaring clarity. 

this has been a random thought that I thought I’d share with all of you. 

until next time, I’ll see you again in the strange dominions